Sonny The LouddMouth of Comedy

Founder | Owner @ LouddMouth Comedy

Sonny “The LouddMouth of Comedy”  MBA| MPM – is an 8 time Award Winning Film Producer/Director, Actor, Writer, Comedian, Media Personality, Entreprenuer, Educator and Former Professional Basketball Player born on the Southside of Chicago, Illinois, now residing in Southern California area.

Sonny is the Creator, Executive Producer, Director & writer and star of the award winning web series “Dating Like A Dyke” a newly released (2024) relationship comedy series based on Sonny’s real life experience of being married for 10 years to a narcissistic partner, whom she would later divorce. Sonny also created executively producer, directed another web series – STEELE GREY- a legal drama original series on LouddMouthTV Network.

Sonny has also developed and built her own multimedia startup under the brand “LouddMouth” which started as a internet small business directory network on and then advanced to specialize in creative marketing and branding through her multimedia platforms, comedy entertainment on her online media networks (LouddMouthTV & LouddMouthRadio) over the last 10+ years. Notably recognized as the 1st African American Female to own and operate a comedy club/movie theatre in South Metro Atlanta called the “LouddMouth Screening Room” which at the time (late 2010-2012) was only 1 of 4 black owned comedy clubs in the U.S in operation. Her radio network has been running since 2013.
